i NanoSpectralyzer ~ nanoall - Nanotechnology Blog



It is an automated fluorimetric analyzer based on the most advanced research in nanotube spectroscopy. This instrument combines a specialized optical system with custom software to analyse bulk SWNT samples. The NanoSpectralyzer helps in tuning the process conditions in SWNT growth reactors. It is usefull for quality control, for guiding nanotube sorting and separation methods, and to get detailed compositional data quickly. The sample can be prepared in a few minutes by ultrasonically dispersing ca. 0.01 mg of a raw solid SWNT specimen into a small volume of aqueous surfactant solution. A few drops of this suspended specimen are then placed into the NanoSpectralyzer’s sample cell. After simple selection of experimental modes, automated sequence of data collection and interpretation will be available immediately along with detailed compositional analysis. The sample is first irradiated with light from diode lasers of pre-selected wavelengths, and the resulting fluorescence emission is collected by specialized optics, dispersed in a spectrograph, detected by a multichannel near-IR sensor, and recorded by the instrument’s computer. The resulting spectral data are automatically analyzed, using established findings in SWNT optical spectroscopy, to provide a detailed description of the semiconducting SWNT content of the sample. Specific (n,m) species are identified along with their apparent relative abundances. The findings are also displayed in the form of a diameter distribution.

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