i Carl Zeiss Nano SEM ~ nanoall - Nanotechnology Blog


Carl Zeiss Nano SEM

The Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is one of the most versatile and widely used tools in general of modern science and also in nanotechnology which allows the study of both morphology and composition of materials. Scanning electron microscope can scan the surface of a sample and produce an image from the beam-specimen interactions. Here we introduce different makes of SEM one by one with courtesy to the write up and picture from their respective web resources.
Carl Zeiss Nano SEM
Scanning electron microscopes (SEM) deliver high resolution surface information and are widely used in many applications fields such as materials analysis, life sciences, semiconductor technology and quality assurance. The addition of analytical detectors enables full nano structural analysis. Carl Zeiss uses a trade mark GEMINI Technology. The GEMINI® technology for scanning electron microscopes (SEM) has been in use since 1994, during which time numerous solutions and applications have been patented for Carl Zeiss. As well as providing high-detail resolution, the special design of the electron beam column offers further capabilities such as the analysis of magnetic samples, a task that cannot be satisfactorily undertaken using other types of SEM. To date, 1,500 systems using this technology have been installed worldwide in research, teaching and industry environments to help users explore the “nano cosmos”. The advantages of GEMINI® technology have yielded particular benefits in the fields of materials research, life sciences, semiconductor technology and nanotechnologies. Carl Zeiss produces the following SEMs.
1.The EVO® series SEM has evolved to provide users in Materials Analysis and Life Science.
2.The new SUPRA™ series, based on the 3rd generation GEMINI® column, offers a complete range of ultra high resolution FESEMs models to cover all fields of applications in nano technology, cryo, nano structural materials analysis and semiconductor development and failure analysis.
3.The ULTRA FESEM integrates the latest developments and features the GEMINI® In-lens SE detector for clear topographic imaging and the EsB detector for compositional contrast imaging enabling simultaneous real time imaging and mixing of both signals.
4.The ΣIGMA, featuring GEMINI® technology provides outstanding imaging and analytical results from a field emission microscope with the capability to handle all material types.
For more details see: http://www.smt.zeiss.com/C1256E4600305472?Open

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