Nanoparticles are available in a wide range of morphologies, from spheres, through flakes and platelets, to dendritic structures, tubes, rods and irregular shape and can also exist in fused, aggregated or agglomerated forms. Some examples of nanomaterials are: Nanoporous materials, Quantum dots/Nano Dots, Nanofibers, Nanocapsules, Nanowires, Dendrimers, Atomic & Molecular Clusters, Buckyballs & Fullerenes, Bulk Nanostructured Metals, Magnetic Nanoparticles / Magnetic Nanostructures, Nanobelts, Nanolubricant Powders, Nanocrystals & Nanopowders, NanoFillers/NanoAdditives, Nanoparticale Dispersions, Nanorods, Nanosponge Abrasives, Nano Tubes and Reactive Electro Exploded Nano Powders. Carbon Nanotubes are available in the form of single wall (SWNT), Double wall (DWNT), Multiwall (MWNT) (alligned/tangled/dispersable), OH, COOH Functionalized SWNT/MWNT, Industrial Grade SWCNTs, MWCNTs, Conducting (Metallic) and Semiconducting SWCNTs, MWCNT Nonwoven Papers, CNT Foam, Special application CNTs and as nanotubes of metals, Compounds, and Oxides/Hyroxides. Quantum Dots are available as Cadmium Mercury Telluride (CdHgTe), Cadmium Selenide (CdSe), Cadmium Selenide/Zinc Sulfide (CdSe/ZnS), Cadmium Sulfide (CdS), Cadmium Telluride (CdTe), Cadmium Telluride/Cadmium Sulfide (CdTe/CdS), Lead Selenide (PbSe) and Lead Sulfide (PbS). Nano Dry Lubricant Powders are available as Tungsten Disulfide (WS2), Molybdenum Disulfide (MoS2), Hex-Boron Nitride (hBN), Graphite and specially formulated Nano Lubricant Additive Powders to improve lubricity and save energy.
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