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Confocal microscope provides many analysis options, including the measurement of roughness, evaluation of layer thickness, particle analysis,rapid and robust non-contact measurement of 3D microstructures and determination of surface roughness. It is ideal for materials research, quality inspection and routine applications. In the confocal microscope a laser is used to provide the excitation light to get very high intensities. The blue laser light is reflected from a dichroic mirror. From there, the laser hits two mirrors which are mounted on motors. These mirrors scan the laser across the sample. When it falls on the sample it fluoresces and the emitted green light gets descanned by the same mirrors that are used to scan the excitation blue light from the laser. The emitted light passes through the dichroic and is focused onto the pinhole. The light that passes through the pinhole is measured by a detector which is usually a photomultiplier tube. Here at any given instant only one point of the sample is observed. The detector attached to a computer builds up the image, one pixel at a time. In practice, this can be done faster. The limitation is in the scanning mirrors. One type of confocal microscope uses a special acoustic optical deflector in place of one of the mirrors, in order to speed up the scanning. This uses a high-frequency sound wave in a special crystal to create a diffraction grating which deflects the laser light. Aactually, the first diffraction peak is used and the zeroth-order peak is removed. By varying the frequency of the sound wave, the angle of the diffracted light is changed and this helps to scan the sample quickly. To look at a smaller field of view confocal microscope can go even faster. Confocal microscope is an attachment mounted on top of the upright microscope. The confocal microscope attachment contains the optics for scanning the laser beam, and the pinhole. The confocal also includes a very large box containing electronics, a laser and an high speed computer.
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