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Sigma-Aldrich offers a wide selection of dendritic macromolecules, including dendrimers, dendrons, and hyperbranched polymers. Available dendrimer types include: poly(amidoamine), also known as PAMAM, or STARBURST® dendrimers; phosphorous dendrimers; polylysine dendrimers; and polypropylenimine (PPI) dendrimers. Dendrimer kits group smaller quantities of similar PAMAM dendrimers into cost-effective tool-sets that can help you choose the best type of dendrimer for a particular application by systematically changing the normal dendrimer features (e.g. generation or surface group). Dendrons are wedge-shaped sections of dendrimers with reactive focal point functions, useful as macromolecular building blocks. Hyperbranched polymers are inexpensive dendritic macromolecules that can be used for many applications (conjugate scaffolds, macromolecular chemistry, polymer additives) that are tolerant of imperfect branching and polydispersity.
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