i Bacterial biosynthesis of magnetite nanoparticles ~ nanoall - Nanotechnology Blog


Bacterial biosynthesis of magnetite nanoparticles

Isolation and identification of bacterium
Actinobacter spp. aqueous sol.of K3Fe(CN)6+K4Fe(CN)6 in 2:1 millimolar ratio is kept for a period of week. Here Isolation of a bacterium is observed as a turbidity. This is then preserved and grown on Luria agar plates. Identification is carried out by molecular taxonomic 16S rRNA sequencing method. It is identified and placed under the genus Actinobacter spp.
Bacterial growth conditions and magnetite production
From mother culture pre inoculam is prepared and allowed to grow in Luria broth for 24hr. To this, filter sterilized aqueous solution of K3Fe(CN)6+K4Fe(CN)6 in 2:1 millimolar ratio is added. It is then allowed to incubate on a shaker at 200rpm at room temperature and subjected to product Characterization.

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